The Future Is Fungi
170 x 134 cm, 2019. Pencil drawing of 23 medicinal mushroom integrated with a 2.d interactive animation.
DEN FRIE UDSTILLING. 13. april – 22. maj 2019
The annual Spring Exhibition of the artists’ association Den Frie Udstilling (‘The Free Exhibition’) is one of the longest standing and strongest traditions in the Danish art world. The exhibition shows a wide range of artistic practices among the members of the association and their guests. Together with 66 other artists drawing was explored as a medium.
The work the Future is Fungi is an interactive drawing of 23 mushrooms which all have medicinal values. When the viewer approaches the big drawing an animation with mycelium starts growing in the empty spaces in the drawing. Text statements based on the American mycologist Paul Stamet’s work are popping up while the mycelium grows.